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Ethics-Talk began in 2009 as part of the programming of Central Michigan University's (CMU's) Center for Professional and Personal Ethics (renamed in 2017 as The Center for International Ethics). The Director of the Center, Dr. Hope Elizabeth May, worked with students and faculty connected with CMU's Department of Philosophy and Religion on over 130 episodes from 2009-2012. Dr. May's international work intensified in 2013, making it logistically difficult to produce the show. Additionally, the students who comprised the "crew" of Ethics-Talk from 2009-2012 all graduated, leaving a vacuum of institutional memory for how to produce the show.

Stimulated by the order of quarantine due to the Covid-19 epidemic, Ethics-Talk was resurrected in 2020. With the closing of the Center for International Ethics imminent, Dr. May resurrected the show as part of the services offered by the
Cora di Brazzà Foundation, which she founded in 2019. The mission of the Foundation is to provide public education about the Peace Through Law Movement. Cora di Brazzà (1860-1944) was one of the foot-soldiers of this Movement. She believed that the cornerstone of Peace was not an international institution such as an International Court of Law (though that was necessary). Rather, like Plato, Cora di Brazzà believed that a certain kind of "harmony of the soul" was primary. For her, "Peace through Law" begins with promulgating and obeying an "inner law." As she put it, "one begins with the germ," i.e., with the individual conscience and developing a habit for respecting the Golden Rule and other "Rules of Harmony." Accordingly, Cora di Brazzà developed a sophisticated system of Peace Education in line with this understanding of peace. You can learn about some of that system here.

This "second-generation" of Ethics-Talk dialogues, re-branded as and refined as dialogues about the "Virtues of Peace," draws attention to ideas and personalities - the virtues and moral energies - of the Peace Through Law movement that, unfortunately, remain largely unknown to the public.

For information on supporting the Foundation and/or Ethics-Talk/Virtues of Peace with a tax-deductible gift, please visit